Easy on the eyes and on the body, the KD Quest is the choice for riders who want a great all-round board that’s doesn’t break the bank! Built using cross-woven fiberglass wrapped polyurethane core the KD Quest is an ultralight board that’s uniquely shaped grooves on the boards base allow for aggressive edge transitions without the fear of the board slipping out. Fitted with KD’s upgraded pad with moulded zones for tibia/fibula and a raised zone at the rear to give support under the legs and take pressure off the ankles allowing for cushy landings. The floating soft touch neoprene lined strap allows riders of all sizes to centre the padding for ultimate comfort. It’s fitted with the two inserts in the nose allowing fitment of the signature KD Handle Hook as an optional extra! KD Sports have set out on a Quest to build a utility kneeboard that doesn’t only suit the experienced riders but is user friendly for less experienced as well.